Thursday, March 3, 2011

Oy Vey! When it rain it pours

Not a very long post, life has been insane recently. Work has gone very badly over the last month, of course while personal life is in crazy high end mode. Anyway Peapod was scared last week that she was miscarrying and I forced her to get another blood test to put her mind at ease... She came back with a score around 7900. So Beta's keep increasing and March 9th is the ultra sound. Can't wait!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Great news and reflections on IVF

Today we took the follow up blood work.. 1470! (which rhymes with pregnancy!)

Peapod is finally excited and is feeling good for once. HCG doubling quickly and we keep talking about "what if it's Twins?". We've had friends already making jokes about this for a while.. that we should name twins with initials BoGo (Buy One Get One).

We're both very happy but I read someone's blog the other day that was just starting to go through all the crap that's IVF.

No one should ever have to go through any portion of IVF ever. It's the most soul sucking experience a couple can go through. For everyone who is going through this, no matter what stage you are, know that you have people all around you even if you've never met them.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Great news and "signs"

Big grin on my face.. Peapod is positive. Blood test showed around 310 so she's pregnant and in a much better place than the last time!

Here's the funny thing between us.. I'm excited and she's happy but is so worried everything is going to go wrong. I fully realize why and her biggest gripe last night was that she wasn't having that many signs.

Now she's been obsessing for days on the way her chest looks (do I have veins? blue ones? are those new?) if her boobs look different or feel different. Every twinge, every odd thing she's asking me to verify.

What's funny is I'm not sure if I'm making up things but she smells different right now to me as well.

Granted all that can be in our head.. so she's been asking for some sort of sign.

This morning she got up to use the bathroom, became light headed and nauseous with slight cold and hot flashes. She didn't wake me but went into the livingroom.. ate some crackers with peanut butter and dozed on the couch until I woke up about a half hour later...

That's right.. low bloodsugar in the morning.. she got her sign and is finally starting to feel excited :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sleepy Peapod.. one more day

Peapod is sleeping on my shoulder right now as I type up this message. These last two weeks have been hellish as we wait for results.

To Recap.. we started IVF and the shots went great. We had 5 eggs harvested which depressed Peapod to no end. The Doctor's and Nurses' pointed out that the eggs were really great quality, but the low numbers were understandably heart breaking.

Of the 4 ones that were really good, all 4 fertilized! By the weekend when we were ready to implant we had 2 really gone ones, one that was splitting slowly and didn't have great shape and one that never split. Considering Peapod's concerns about leftovers.. it really was the perfect amount.

So now.. it's been 2 weeks and tomorrow Peapod goes in for her blood work.

So... two week wait is almost over and we're going crazy.

Monday, January 24, 2011

And.. it begins

Well at least the crazy pills are done.. we officially start IVF tonight (first short of Follistim - 225mcg)

Sorry I haven't posted a lot, with all the issues we've had this year it's painful to post and nothing has been changing.